Hemp vs Marijuana : the eternal confusion
Hemp vs Marijuana The difference between hemp vs marijuana is a subject that is all too often very poorly explained. Hemp is different from marijuana in its function, cultivation, and...
Hemp vs Marijuana The difference between hemp vs marijuana is a subject that is all too often very poorly explained. Hemp is different from marijuana in its function, cultivation, and...
This year we’re having a different kind of Christmas. And it’s not only due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No way Jose. We decided to take a different approach as a brand...
It’s that time of year again when the chilly season around you makes it hard to decide if you should put on another sweater or swap the cap for a...
What does sustainable fashion mean in 2020?For a lot of people, sustainable fashion equals eco-fashion. We believe that this is a very limited association and that it can be broader. ...
Cotton is a well known and popular staple. It makes up the majority of clothes in anyone’s closet, and for good reason. The fabric is cheap, widely available, and most...
Inspired by the fable of The Ant and the Grasshopper, we worked all summer to come out with a new collection that still respects our mission of making old new...
Because we handcraft each suit from scratch, here in Transylvania, we are frequently asked: ”Is it true that vampires sew your hemp suits? Because I want to get what Dracula...
There’s a viral post going around these days regarding an American clothing brand that ”found a way to make hemp feel like cotton”.I feel like sharing some thoughts on this.To...
It’s a continuous source of awe for me and I find it absolutely ridiculous how people prefer purchasing products that have a hemp leaf or tag on them, when in...
Some months ago I had the privilege of having a beautiful conversation with Mr. Riel Roussopoulos from Canada.This knowledgeable gentleman was genuinely curious about our hemp processing technology and showed sympathy for...
We salute all of you, modern and noble ”social bandits” during these strange times!In what seems to be a classical Robin Hood tale – essentially a peasant rebellion against landlords...
Lords and ladies, brothers and sisters and fellow intergalactic beings, I hope that you are all safe and sound during these unprecedented times.Practice zen koans, recite poems while drinking wine,...
”Transylvania may be known for beautiful forests, vampires and Dracula, but De IONESCU has just added the hemp suit.We have a conversation with Ionut Rus about his company and how...
Our founder, Ionuț Rus, had the great pleasure to be interviewed by Mr. Derek Cross on Episode #15 of The Hemp Chat.They talked about De IONESCU and our 100% hemp...
This meditation – a fusion of two short essays – intends to shed light on the following questions: What are the meanings of our brand name, De IONESCU, and of...
Morning in Dhampus (Nepal), June 2018Whatever happened with the Romanian hemp?”The gods weave misfortunes for men, so that the generations to come will have something to sing about.” (Homer, Odyssey)De...